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SEHC New Member Application

Thank you for your interest in joining Southeast Hebrew Congregation. Please complete this form to get started.  

If so, please provide more detail here.

If not, please provide more detail here.

If so, please provide more detail here.

If so, please provide more detail here.

If so, please provide more detail here.

Please include Apt. number

(check all that apply)

Please note: once approved for membership at Southeast Hebrew Congregation, we will apply the membership type you are selecting now.
First year membership rate is prorated based on the number of full quarters remaining in the calendar year.

As necessary, the SEHC leadership is available to work with members who have special financial needs.
Full members are entitled to the following benefits:
  • Discounted High Holiday Seats
  • Cemetery benefit (available to members and, chas v’shalom, dependent children) – this benefit alone is worth thousands of dollars for each member family! Note: there are additional costs associated with burial and a funeral that are not covered by this benefit. For more details please see under "Documents & Forms"
  • Voting rights
  • Right to serve on board
  • Priority on kibbudim for yahrzeits, simchas, etc.
  • Preference for leading davening on Shabbos and Yom Tov
  • Listed in Shul directory
  • Included in Shul Shaloch Manos list
  • Receive all Shul mailings
  • Eligible to join Shul (SEHC) email list
Associate members are entitled to the following benefits:
  • Listed in Shul directory
  • Receive all Shul mailings
  • Eligible to join Shul (SEHC) email list
These packages provide members with greater certainty in outlays for the year and often result in savings for the member.  Available discount membership packages are as follows:
  Silver Package Gold Package Lifetime
Benefits Individual Family Individual Family Individual Family
High Holiday Seats $200 credit
(e.g., 1 adult + 2 children)
$300 credit
(e.g., 2 adults + 2 children)
$300 credit
(e.g., 1 adult + 4 children)
$400 credit
(e.g., 2 adults + 4 children)
$300 credit
(e.g., 1 adult + 4 children)
$400 credit
(e.g., 2 adults + 4 children)
Journal Ad Silver Full Page Ad Gold Full Page Ad Diamond Full Page Ad
Banquet Tickets 2 tickets to banquet 2 tickets to banquet 2 tickets to banquet
Other Benefits
  • Tallis Box
  • Tallis Box
  • Tallis Box
  • Shaloch Manos to all Shul members
Price $1,550/yr $2,250/yr $2,150/yr $2,900/yr $30,000
(1 time payment)
(1 time payment)

Please share a brief overview of your needs.

Sun, October 6 2024 4 Tishrei 5785